Bel Egypt
Spiral showed a very well systematic way of thinking during our project, trying hard to cover all issues that could be raised or faced. They have good theoretical/scientific background, and have practiced using new tools (like MAC, ART & also ViveLab software) during our ergonomics project. Optimized realistic solutions were proposed in their findings.
Mohamed AyedEngineering Manager

Egyptian German Industrial Corporate
Spiral team has shown a clear strong knowledge in the scope of lean manufacturing and industrial engineering. They presented very good communication skills and keenness to put the project on track with timely deliverables. Spiral has managed our project in an outstanding standard at a reasonable service cost.
Mr. Sayed ShaarawyManufacturing Director – (EGIC, Egypt)

GOPA Consulting Group, Germany
The training provided by SPIRAL was based on an advanced and practice-oriented interactive training and coaching methodology. SPIRAL was highly committed to achieving high training impact as well as genuine sustainability of the training results.
Mr. Werner TruttSenior Consultant – GOPA mbH, Germany.

ELSA Fundraiser and Public relations
“It was a great chance for ELSA having these great minds and experiences in Zagazig University for the first time in one of our unforgettable events. Spiral’s high standing and vast experience mean a lot for us. We are sure that the partnership between the two organizations will lead ELSA to a new stage”
Mohab MohamedELSA President, Zagazig University

Ministry of Trade and Industry
Great materials , professional instructors and inspiring workshops ,thank you all for the amazing experience
Eng.Mostafa hamdyMechanical Engineer, IDA. Ministry of Trade and Industry

قطاع الصناعات الهندسية
كلنا حضرنا كورسات كتير وفيها اللي إستفادنا منه وفيها اللي ماكانش بيضيف لنا الكتير، بس مش كلنا بيعدي علينا الكورس اللي تلاقي فيه إهتمام ومتابعة شخصية من المنظمين عشان يعرفوا ناقصك إيه ويكونوا متطمنين إنك حصلت على أعلى إستفادة ممكنة ودة فعلاً اللي شوفته في فريق Spiral لما إتعاملت معاهم، كذا حد يبعت ويتأكد ولما تطلب منهم حاجة تلاقيها متحققة في اليوم اللي بعده، ودة يخلي الواحد يحس إن إهتمامهم بالمحاضرين وجودة المحتوى نفسه مش مغطي على باقي الجوانب اللي يخليك تخرج بتجربة كاملة مش بس شوية معلومات ممكن يتنسوا مع الوقت،
م/ حازم الشربينيمساعد رئيس قطاع الصناعات الهندسية, مركز تحديث الصناعة.

ELSA Fundraiser and Public relations
“It’s an eminent pleasure for ELSA that SPIRAL has cooperated with us in such a magnificent event ‘INDUSTRIAL GATE’. We are really privileged to have business associates like you. We hope to do another projects with you as it will be a great learning experience for both of us. Thank you for having faith in our organization. We do look forward to a mutually beneficial association”